Fresh Wavelk
4 min readOct 31, 2020


Adopting a Vedic Lifestyle can be something new for you. Maybe the concept of a Vedic Lifestyle is new to you. That’s okay! I was there once too. The switch was not easy for sure. It took me a few trips to the Doctor and few medications that messed my body for me to convince myself that I need to make time for my wellness before I have to make time for any illness.

The journey to convert my lifestyle into something more healthier wasn’t easy specially as I was a huge foodie. Fibroids, hormonal imbalances, loss of voice (Due to many medicines), breathing difficulties, depression and health anxiety was more than enough for me to convince my mind that I had to do it for myself, my loved ones and my pocket.

I started small, of course. It all started for me when I met this amazing Medicine Practitioner from Australia who was giving free medical advice on healing your body with food. After a few chats with him, I discovered that any disease could be reversed by changing your food. I started avoiding certain night shade vegetables which caused allergies to my body and trying my best to eat raw , moderately cooked food. Food that was closer to Mother Nature.

And now with Freshwaves My team and I, would love to take you on an amazing journey that will transform your eating habits into something more flavorful and healing.

This change of Lifestyle should come to you naturally and most importantly by experiencing the miracles Mother Nature can give you through God. And adopting this lifestyle has different parts to it and not only the change of food. It is a Life style change. From Sun bathing to eating the correct food.

Today I will be taking you through Vedic food and it’s modes.

Our food has to be in the mode of Goodness. That means it has to be in the pure state. Food that is pure, natural and wholesome. Unprocessed and unrefined. It has to be cooked moderately and seasoned lightly. Living food with life energy inside it. Straight from nature with no or minimal human interaction.

Vedic food is healing food. Food that gives space for healing as it digests faster. When we adopt a Vedic Lifestyle and consume Vedic food we can cure all types of illnesses, without any medication. But does it bring only physical benefits? Of course not. As we go on consuming Vedic food , with time, our thoughts change. It brings a lot of mental clarity and calmness. It brings us much more closer to Mother Nature and God.

We need to have a checklist on the type of food we consume.


Our food has to fall under 4 categories. Wholesome, Living, Plant-based & Water rich. We should avoid eating dead food. What do I mean by dead food? Anything that is bottled, packaged, tinned or frozen. Instead we should eat things that are in a pure form, just like how Mother Nature has presented it to us with less human interaction. Fruits, vegetables, sprouts, nuts & seeds.

If something is cooked on fire, we must eat it within 3 hours, maximum 5 hours. Then what about all the packets of chips, biscuits , snacks ? These are cooked maybe even 3 to 4 years in advance. It is packeted with all synthetic chemicals and preservatives to increase the shelf life. But this decreases the shelf life of our own bodies. These are dead food therefore there is no life into it!

Our food should be wholesome. All food that come directly from plants and trees are wholesome. Mother Nature has created the best food as possible for us. There is so much wisdom behind why she hung dates on trees and not sugar. And what we consume should also be plant based. This a whole new area which will be addressed in one of our future blogs.

Blessings and Prayers.

If you’re interested in getting regular information and recipes on Vedic Lifestyle, You can follow us on Instagram @freshwavelk

Fresh Wavelk
Fresh Wavelk

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