Fresh Wavelk
3 min readDec 13, 2020


Have you ever asked yourself what you consume every day? Do you eat ‘products’ or ‘food’?

Okay so what if we eat products? what are products? what is food? Do you have these questions in your mind? If you do, no worries at all! Lets’ break this down together.


Let me explain what I mean when I say “food”, and why it will benefit you. If you’re watching a commercial on TV and they’re speaking about a food-like-product then it’s most likely a product and not food. Basically, anything that has a nutrition label or an ingredient list attached to it then it’s a product.

So then what is Food? Food is non-processed meat, eggs, milk, cheese, yoghurt, fresh or frozen fruits and vegetables, beans, nuts and nut butters, seeds, and olive, canola, and coconut oils. What is not food? Everything else.

Vedic food as you would have read in our previous blog has 4 modes. ( If you haven’t I suggest you click on this and read it)


So then what does it mean when we say our food should be living?

Living foods are food that comes straight from Mother Nature, without cooking or being processed. Eating living foods means eating food in raw nature. This food can produce more life. For example, just imagine we take a seed of some grain and plant it. It will grow into a sapling. But if we take a bar of chocolate or some noodles and plant it. Will it grow into a plant? Definitely NOT! Therefore this type of food cannot produce more life. They’re dead. When we eat these dead food how can it cure our diseases and bring life to our own bodies?


If we eat fruits, vegetables, grains, coconut instead of processed juices or mean and the likes they bring life to our body.

When these living food gets into our body, they transfer their life energy inside us, flushes out the toxins sitting inside and cure diseases.

And what that means for you is, you live a life that’s free of major sicknesses, you’re able to sleep better, feel more energetic, you’re able to spend more time with your loved ones and live a more fulfilling life.

So what do you choose to eat? Food or Products?

If you’d like to know more, follow us on our Instagram page (@Freshwavelk)

